Off White

Off White?

Off White?
Charlie's Page
Garrett's Page
Steve's Page
Jim's Page

No, we're not racists!
How we got our name.

Tom's (a former guitarist in Off White) guitar is a rather odd colour, some yellowish shade. For a while, there was a bit of a row about whether it was 'mustard yellow', 'limed mahogany', dork yellow', or somthing in between. [Nate(a former bassist) thinks it's t.v. coloration because it says so on the box] It was pretty much generally decided that it was some sort of 'off white'. Several months after the band's creation, the debate was renewed. Suddenly the name "Off White' seemed appealing. In a nutshell, that is how we got our name.

(Tom wrote that one and it's mostly true.  He enjoys spelling word the British way, so cut him some slack)

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